today sucks
I don't know why but today is sucking so bad. I heard from my hubby this morning and he is fine. In fact he re-enlisting for another 6 years on the 14th. He loves his job and I am trying to be as supportive of him as I can be but some days are harder than others. My children are on spring and are getting ready to go see their great-grandparents in Ohio starting monday. I will miss them but I need to have a break from them. My oldest has been pushing at me so much with his punishment. He is being punished for menacing another child. I honestly never thought my son had it in him to basically bully another child he is normally the one being bullied. My twins are devided about going to the grandparents. I am trying to be fair to everyone involved, but someone is gonna feel left out. My mood is very black the last couple of days. I can't pinpoint why. Something is just not right with me, maybe to much on my mind right now.
At 11:58 AM,
Mz M said…
Ya know, I love the title to the blog entry.
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