A tad bit peeved
I have recently leaned that my blog is being read, which in itself surprises me. Who really wants to read the ramblings of a cranky person. What I am upset about is the fact that I guess some of the people reading me are realy close to home. I don't care that they are reading what I write, I would think that it would be boaring for them considering they are all in different battalions that my husband is. My information is important to me and the people who are close to me. I use the blog as a way to express what I am feeling so I have a way to vent harmlessly. I am as honest about my feeling on my blog as I am in person. I try to be an honest peson on all fronts of my life, sometimes I succeed sometimes I don't. What gets me is that the people close to me are reading my blog and making coments to each other instead of coming to me. If someone has a question about my blog why not ask me. Especially if you know who I am and how to talk to me. If you are commenting on my blog to other people about what I am writing it is no better than gossiping. You are asking if a certain person is the one who snapped at me so that I wrote a blog about. If you truly want to know something don't go to someone else come to me. You can e-mail me, comment on me, or if you are close by talk to my face. Don't hide behind a facasde. I honestly don't care who you are, but do not make assumtions that you have no undersatnding on or else you look like an ass.
At 8:12 AM,
Mz M said…
The little games bored tired DULL housewives play only makes me laugh. If only they had a life of their own.
At 5:35 PM,
A. N. Loebick said…
sounds like I've missed something today...
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