I know that my husband will be home in just a few short weeks, but I am a little torqued at him. It is not enough stress on my plate with the issues with my oldest son, my own issues, and getting ready for the reintergration. I now have to worry about my man chatting up women on the internet. I know that he wont cheat on me but it still he is causing me pain. Luckily I have been placed on the old meds that at least kept me somewhat stable, so I can keep myself from flying off the handle at him. I know he is lonely in Iraq and I understand that. I am lonely over here waiting for him to come home to the kids and I, but I am not going and chatting guys up on the internet. The only man that I want to chat up is my hubby. So needless to say today is not starting well for me and I have to spend the day at the dr's office with appts for me and my child. Yeehaw time for tears again I just love the fact that I am so freaking emotional.
At 9:46 AM,
Paul D. said…
Well good luck. I know how hard it can be for a bipolar person as I am one too. I hope your husband is understanding and that things work out when he gets home.
As for people commenting on blogs. I moderate my blog comments and I have some people get upset about that. However, if someone is writing a blog and the reader has a comment then ya, they should comment to the blog itself, not just about the blog to other people.
At 6:10 PM,
Mz M said…
I am here for you regardless. Your Bi-Polar is very difficult, which makes me more amazed on how you hold things together. Things will work out. I refuse to let you fall apart. If I have to lecture your husband too, I will. Cource we know he won't listen to me, LOL.
We will always be here for you.
At 6:56 PM,
Andrew McAllister said…
Those are tough issues. Good luck as you work through them. If it helps, you might be interested in an article called The Affair-Proof Marriage.
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