a deuces wife

This is a blog about my life as a soldiers wife.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Reality is starting to set in

Well I talked to my husband a couple of days ago. He is doing well and is excited about coming home. As I watch my friends loved ones coming home the reality of mine coming home is starting to sink in. I haven't seen my husband sense he was hurt. I am worried about my reactions and his. I know he has been through hell and back again to come home to the kids and I. I don't know how these things that he has had to do and witness have effected the man I love. I know that I still love him and will stand by his side though whatever is coming our way, but I am starting to get the jitters now. It is almost like meeting my husband for the first time again in my opinion. In the last year he has changed and I have changed. We have to reconnect. This year has been interesting to say the least. I am sure that he has matured in his year in the hell hole of the world. I know that I have made some changes in this last year. I am starting to be a more normal person, I have never been normal, I don't know how to be normal. Will my husband be ok with the almost normal me? How will my husband react to everything that has happened with our oldest son? Will he be supportive of the changes that have been put in place for our sons education? There are so many questions right now. I know I love him and he loves me, so I guess the reality will be dealt with one day or issue at a time.


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