a deuces wife

This is a blog about my life as a soldiers wife.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Starting out down

I woke up down this morning. I got word yesterday that my son won't be able to come home until Thursday or Friday. Which is upsetting to me in itself,but what really got me is that my son is set on coming home today. He called me last night and was all excited because he was coming home today. I called the nurses to see if this was true, I had already been told he wasn't going to be home today, they said no and as far as I know my son hasn't been told that he has to remain there. I get to go see him for 15 minutes this morning. I want to see him but I also want him to be able to come home. The dr's are still running tests on him. Then on top of that I am still waiting to hear if my husband is gonna be coming home or not. I doubt he will but this waiting for the answer is weighing on me. Right now I have to many things in the air. I don't know if I am coming or going.


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