First day
Today is a first day for a couple of things. First off today is the first day of my twins 5th grade year. They are excited, but also a little stressed. They want to make a good impression on the first day. I know they will do fine they are great kids. Today is also the first day I get to see my oldest son since he went into the treatment program. I have talked to his Dr's and nurse's multiple times, I even got to talk to my son last night. He is angry with me, scared, and really confused. Right now all he knows is that he is in a strange place with strange people. I am holding up fairly well. I am having crying jags off and on, but I haven't broken which is a good thing. I keep looking to the good that will come out of this situation. If we can get a handle on whatever is going on in my sons head now it will stop some of the heartache down the road. What I am putting him though and going through myself is the lesser pain in the long run is the way I see it. I have been doing a lot of soul searching since this started to unfold and have come to realize that my son was not made this way because of something in me or something I did. He is the way he is because this is how God created him. Nomatter what my son is still a gift from God and is loved. We will come through this and be stronger for it.
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