Hell on the homefront
Well I did get to hear from my husband, but we argued so it wasn't a very good talk. He told me he was going out for a month again we shall see. I finally put money into fixing my truck. I have been without a vehicle for a month and a half thinking that I had a break problem and a trasmission problem. I bought 2 new tires and found out that my breaks are fine. That takes a load off of my mind. I have new neighbors in the four bedroom next door to me. It seems like this round of neighbor roulette has gone pretty good. My daughter and the oldest girl are fast friends and are inseparable. I finally got my female dog fixed she isn't quite 6 months, but I don't have to worry about my big dog tagging her. Now to touch on my real hell. I have recently been diagnosed as bipolar. My mother is bipolar. There is a strong link to a family I am finding in research I have been doing, which leads me to my problem. I am afraid that my 11 year old son is also bipolar. I have learned that a lot of kids with bipolar have been misdiagnosed with adhd. Jt was off his meds yesterday so I could watch him I about went batty with him. I know some of the issues I have had with my mental health and I am so worried about my sons well being.