a deuces wife

This is a blog about my life as a soldiers wife.

Friday, June 30, 2006

I got some word

I finally got word from my hubby. He is fine and well and talking about coming home. He sounded fine and was jovial with me. We got to talk twice in the same day. My heart is so happy right now.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Having a down day

Still no word from my husband, but the flip side is no one has come to ring my doorbell. So I know that he is alright. I would just love to hear from him. I miss him terribly. I so can't wait for this deployment to be over. My husbands company has taken suck a hard hit this time around. I have no clue what his mental state is going to be once he comes home at the end of this deployment. No matter what I will stand by my husband with love and respect. I will be here to help him in any way he needs my help. I love him so much I want to cry for him for all that he has seen and experienced.

My sister finally caught on to the fact I was down yesterday, but still didn't ask if I had heard from my husband. My sister knows me well enough to know what is going on in my head. We used to be able to pick up on the littlest things with each other, but those days are a thing of the past. My life is here on Fort Campbell and my sister's life is stuck in the small town we grew up in in Ohio. Her word revolves around her, mine consists of my kids, my hubby and my animals and neighbors.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Somewhat worried

I still haven't heard from my husband. I know that he is busy and I know that he is physically ok, I just worry about his emotional state after what has been happening. I can't wait for this deployment to be over. Only a few more months.

I am mad at my family right now. I called to talk to my sister yesterday about how here babies were doing. They are all doing fine by the way, but never once did my sister or my dad ask if I had heard from my husband much less if he was ok. My house is decorated with red, white and blue they have no signs up or showing of their support of my husband and the fact that he is risking his life everyday in Iraq. Am I wrong to want my family to show some kind of support for my husband and the other soldiers, considering my sister is still married to a military member?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Waiting for word

Well there has been all hell breaking loose here for the last weekend. With trying to get the information about our guys in Iraq and trying to deal with the deaths. It has been hard. I still haven't heard from my husband, so I am waiting by the phone and the computer just to talk to him for a moment or two. I have finally calmed down after going to a memorial service for our guys. I am more at peace sense this all started. I am not the only one who is so angry for what has happened. The military wives around me never cease to amaze me. Some of them are so strong it is hard to not want to be that strong to. My heart and prayers are with all of the guys and their families at this most trying of times.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Well I got some news, not good

I have been told that it is not my husband, but we have had one death and 2 captured soldiers. The news about the kidnapped soldiers is within my husbands company. I don't know who they are yet. I don't need to know who they are to feel bad for the families. My heart is torn imagining what they must be going through.
I have been in tears multiple time sense the news broke. I wish they would just bring our soldiers home.

I haven't heard from Jeff but from all information that is being given out he is fine. I will still be on edge until he either ims me or call so I know from him that he is ok. I know my thoughts and prayers are with these families please be sure to put them in your thoughs and prayers.

By the way Happy Dad's day.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Back to no word again

Well I have heard from my husband the last 2 nights in a row, but he told me he will be out of touch for a while. He told me he is battered and bruised after an attack but that he is ok. I can tell by the way he was talking to me on messenger that he is scared shitless. I love my husband with every ounce of who I am, but he worries me when he lets me hear his fear. My husband is always cocky, it drives me nuts, that is who he is. For him to show me or anyone else his fear he is having a hard time.

My children are having fun with their grandparents in Ohio. I am planning on getting my oldest back this weekend. I have had way to much time to think about whats going on around me. It sucks!!!!!

My best friend is having fun in Oregon with her family and friends. I am missing her terrible. She calls almost everyday to check on her critters and on me. Got to love her she is on vacation and still worrying about me.