a deuces wife

This is a blog about my life as a soldiers wife.

Monday, September 25, 2006

He is finally home

My husband finally made it home in almost one piece. He is still having issues with his left ear, the one that was damaged in a mortar attack. He brought me home the ammo clip he had on when he was hurt, it is dinged up where a piece of shrapnel hit it. I am thanking God that he has made it home in one piece. We lost to many good men in this deployment. My heart goes out to the families that have lost someone.

Friday, September 22, 2006


Right now I am a pissed army spouse. My husband was supposed to be home around the eighth of Sept. he was bumped from that flight witch I took in stride. Now I was sent an email from my frg stating that the majority were supposed to be in by the 21st of Sept. Now here is my problem I talked to my husband on the 20th and he was still setting in Iraq. My husband talked to me on the 14th and told me he would be on a flight in 24 hours to Kuwait. I went 4 days thinking he was in Kuwait waiting for him to be on the flight home. When he imed me on Wed. he said that he had made it all the way to customs and were turned away. I contacted my frg to find out what was going on with him. I received an e-mail back stating that I shouldn't put any stock in rumors. Here is my question if not only my husband, who this happened to, but another deuce from another battalion told me the same facts. Is it still considered a rumor? No one will answer my question and I have yet to receive any info concerning my husband from the rear D.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Double yucky day

Today is grey and rainy and I don't know exactly where my husband is. Some of my guys have made it home so I know it is almost time for his flight but I haven't received word in 5 days. Even one of my bother-in-laws is coming in tomorrow. I still haven't even gotten my phone call to say what day he will be in. I am trying to be calm but this waiting for him is killing me. There are only 4 people in our entire cul-d-sac whose hubby's aren't home yet. There are 24 houses in our area and only 4 guys are not here thats not cool. The way it looks Morgana's hubby will be the last in the area to come in. I just wish they would all come home now.

On to other things. We found the Siamese mix cat I found and brought in a new home because certain people who I won't name didn't do right by their animal. Also the slut of my neighborhood is really shit kicking. She is now telling teenagers in the neighborhood that I am a drunk and a prescription druggy. You know it is pretty sad that I haven't said anything about this person to anyone who has come back and I am not talking to the teenagers about her. Is she that desperate to make me into the bitch she already is so no one will like me? As I told the spouse who was told I was a drunk I am a very visible person I must be damn good at hiding my drunkenness and stonedness because as far as I know no one else has said anything about it. I know I act weird sometimes that is just who I am and my true personality is starting to reappear after a long absence. I really don't care what she has to say about me but if she continues I will go after her for defimation of character.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

At the end

Well I haven't spoken to my hubby in a couple of days I am hopping at this point it means he is on his way to Kuwait. He should be home in a little over a week 2 at most. I can't wait to see him again and give him a big hug and kiss. The kids keep asking me when is dad coming in, and of course I can't tell them what I don't know. We are all getting really excited, it is almost over for us this go round.

I have found out that the woman who cheated on her hubby and got pregnant by a kid is starting to try and stir shit again. From what I understand she was talking to one of the returned husbands about a wild party that myself and Morgana had. Where we got so skunked and our kids were home and all. I haven't been smashed in quite a while. Anyone that knows me knows that the only time I truly get drunk is if my hubby is home so that there is always a responsible adult in the house. Even then I don't get totally drunk I will get a good buzz going and quit. The only party I can think of is the one that a neighbor had the night that her hubby returned to Iraq. Yes there were some smashed people there. Morgana barely drank and was home by 9 pm, I drank some and was in by 10 pm. I started to see some of the people that I hung out with getting a little to touchy feely for my taste. The following day there were rumors flying about 2 different affairs starting after I went in for the night. One was confirmed the other is still just speculation. You know it is sad that I as a younger person than this slut puppy has a better set of morals and more responsibility. I realize that these things are learned as we grow and mature some of us still think we are teenagers I guess. Case in point I have come up with a new term to describe how people wear their clothes. I know most people know what a camel toe is well I propose a new term for people that take it one step further. My new term is baboon ass. This is when the persons pants or shorts are to tight and the seamline in the back of said pants looks like a piece of floss up said persons ass. My thought is disgusting first of all then hey that reminds me of the first thing you see on the red assed baboons. You cant help but notice when someone's ass is paraded in front of you in this maner. So I will now start calling people baboon ass when I see this nasty taste in clothing to make the person feel younger and more attractive. Guess what you still look like a nasty slut puppy from hell. Grow up and face the real world and quite trying to be as young as your teenage child no-one thinks you look younger and anyone who says you look good this way is only trying to stay on your good side.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Reality is starting to set in

Well I talked to my husband a couple of days ago. He is doing well and is excited about coming home. As I watch my friends loved ones coming home the reality of mine coming home is starting to sink in. I haven't seen my husband sense he was hurt. I am worried about my reactions and his. I know he has been through hell and back again to come home to the kids and I. I don't know how these things that he has had to do and witness have effected the man I love. I know that I still love him and will stand by his side though whatever is coming our way, but I am starting to get the jitters now. It is almost like meeting my husband for the first time again in my opinion. In the last year he has changed and I have changed. We have to reconnect. This year has been interesting to say the least. I am sure that he has matured in his year in the hell hole of the world. I know that I have made some changes in this last year. I am starting to be a more normal person, I have never been normal, I don't know how to be normal. Will my husband be ok with the almost normal me? How will my husband react to everything that has happened with our oldest son? Will he be supportive of the changes that have been put in place for our sons education? There are so many questions right now. I know I love him and he loves me, so I guess the reality will be dealt with one day or issue at a time.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Another week down

Well another week is down and one week closer till the man of life comes home. I have talked to him twice in the week. He is excited that he will be home in just a few more weeks. I just wish he was here now. I am seeing most of the neighbors welcoming home their loved ones, and I see how happy they are. I need something happy right about now. Dealing with my oldest child and middle school is one hell of a fight. He wakes up in the morning trying to get out of going to school. He takes it so far that the school nurse has repeatedly called me asking if this is his normal behavior. It is. I am to the point that if the phone rings I think it is the school with something concerning my son. Once we get the school day is over you would think that he would be ok, wrong homework is yet another argument. Then through in on that a couple of temperamental 10 year olds and see how much sanity you have at the end of each day.